Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Olympic Torch

So here's the view I had last Thursday!

To be honest, I'm not really a fan of the Olympics. The only sports I'm really interested in are football, netball and F1. But when I heard the Torch was coming through nearby Crewe, I decided it was a once in a lifetime thing, so I'd get Ryan and I up at the crack of dawn to go and see what all the fuss was about.

The big issue for me was it was travelling through between 8 and 8.30am, which seemed ridiculous - unfair on commuters and just generally difficult for anyone to get there. The trains aren't very regular but that was the only way, so Ryan and I arrived at our local (small) train station at 7am, to find it packed with fellow Torch spotters! There were maybe 150-200 people waiting for a 3 coach train, and with Ryan in a pushchair I wasn't holding out much hope that we'd all fit on. But we did, and once again I was warmed by how helpful random strangers were in helping us get on and off the train, even one previously mentioned commuter, who must have been a bit flummoxed to find his usual quiet journey to work a noisy squashed one! Thankfully it was only a 7 minute trip!

We arrived and found ourselves a spot outside Crewe station, fed my little monkey an al fresco breakfast (we rarely get up before 8am so he'd only had his milk at home) and proceeded to wait for possibly the most anticlimatic thing ever - a man who no one knew running past holding a torch aloft. A postman trundling down the road with his post truck got more cheers! Oh well, it was a morning out, and like I said, at least I can say we were there!

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